My techie generation won’t miss Toys R Us

Bailey Moore, Author

Bailey Moore

This Christmas there will not be a Toys R Us in the area, and that’s fine because my generation was done with toy stores forever ago.

We’re probably going to remain unaffected because we don’t need toys anymore; my generation has almost always wanted toys made of circuits and batteries instead of plastic and paint.

The biggest most popular toys of my generation were almost always technology based. The toys we were looking for  were iPod touches, ZhuZhu pets, and Furbies.

And if it wasn’t that, it was game systems such as the PS4 and Xbox 360. We were into these more than we were into stuffed animals and Barbies.

These toys aren’t some little action figure or something; they are tablets and electronics and they were and still are the interest of our generation.

And the way we buy the products is even technology based: we typically buy them online. So this just adds more to the reason why Toys R Us wont be missed.

Amazon allows us to order almost anything from home or anywhere.

And online shopping gives us the satisfaction of having the toys and products delivered right to our door.

Anything available at Toys R Us is most likely going to be available online or in other stores, so considering the variety of products and the simplicity of ordering those products online or in stores, we definitely wont be missing out on anything due to Toys R Us being out of business.

If any of us are looking for that feeling of going down the toy aisles, then we can just go to Walmart or Target instead because they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Walmart has a wide toy selection on its own and is expanding as well.

Some Walmarts are going to need to add in more toy aisles to store more toys, and 30 percent of the selection of toys are brand new.

Walmart even has its own selection of exclusive toys only sold at Walmart.

Toys R Us used to mail out catalogues, but Amazon has started doing the same so people can still flip through a catalogue without having anything particular in mind.

Walmart, Target, and online shopping are easily able to replace Toys R Us.

They can all provide the same products and sometimes even the same feeling as walking down the toy aisles.

So forget wanting to be a Toys R Us kid, because that was never us.