Boone will continue to require masks despite mandate repeal
Governor Andy Beshear’s statewide mask mandate was repealed by state legislaters earlier this month
September 20, 2021
Despite the repeal of the statewide mask mandate, Boone County Schools will follow the majority of Kentucky districts and continue to require masks in school buildings and buses for the foreseeable future, according to Superintendent Matthew Turner.

“All employees and students will continue to wear an appropriate face mask in all school buildings and on all school buses,” Turner said in an email to county teachers and staff.
In an email, he indicated that the district is currently “developing a decision-making process for when safety protocols may be relaxed or removed.”
The statewide mask mandate in Kentucky public schools was officially repealed June 9 by legislators. They overturned a veto by Governor Andy Beshear to prevent the mandate from being nullified through a bill called Senate Bill 1.
Beshear vetoed the bill because portions of it suggested ending the mandating of masks in public schools and child care spaces.
Beshears attempted veto was overridden by majority Republican lawmakers by a vote of 22-6 and 69-24, by the Senate and House respectively.

Beshear, a Democratic governor, was unable to swing votes his way, a seemingly continuing trend throughout his administration.
Senate Bill 1’s main objective is to keep schools running and in control. It allows for the decision to require masks be up to individual school districts around the state.
This all occurred at a “special session” called by Gov. Beshear earlier this month. It was made up of members of the Kentucky General Assembly (the Kentucky House and Senate), and took place over the course of four days.