Students split on dress code
Photo Illustration by Oliver Myers
Some students want to be able to wear hoods during school.
December 14, 2022
As administrators and staff enforce the dress code, some students complain that it is biased, too strict and unevenly enforced.
The rules have not changed since the 2016-2017 school year, but enforcement was different during COVID. Now with a new administration attempting to apply the expectations, it’s shedding more light on the dress code.
Several students said the dress code is biased against girls, with one calling it “kinda sexist” and another saying it’s “mean to women.”
However, assistant principal Ken Woodeshick said the dress code applies to all genders and the “double standard” is false.
Students gave examples of what they see as a double standard in enforcement.
Freshman Izzy Sears said that boys can wear tank tops when girls cannot reveal any stomach.
Sophomore Megan Keidel said boys wear shorts or jeans with holes and no one says anything but girls have to change.

Principal Stacey Black said that when the administration notices an increase in dress code violations, they use announcements to remind students. Students who are recurring violators of the dress code face increased discipline.
Black said that the administration offers events where kids can still express themselves while following the rules. Spirit week and pep rallies are examples of these scenarios.
Some students believe small changes to the dress code would be better.
Junior Noah Collins calls the dress code “fair” although he asks the dress code to be more “lenient” with clothing.
He says doing so will allow the students to be “happier and more comfortable in school.”
Some of the changes students said they would like include allowing hoods and pajama pants.
Multiple principals described hoods as an identification issue. Having hoods and hats on makes identifying students on cameras difficult if there’s an issue.
Pajama pants are prohibited because the dress code does not allow “sleeping apparel” although some students are confused as to where to draw the line between pajama pants and sweatpants.
Black said there is a difference in the way pajama pants look in comparison to sweatpants, and that pajama pants usually have a distinct design.
She explained that the dress code is preparing students for the workplace, and that pajama pants are not professional.
Black said there are no upcoming plans to change the dress code although they take in student opinions and look at the dress code every summer.
Not every student thinks the dress code should change.
Freshman Jett Delancey said the dress code is “reasonable” and “not very strict” and suggested it could be worse.
“I will revolt if we ever use uniforms.”